8am: Some Afghan citizens who have sought official document processing at the Taliban-run courts in Kabul and various provinces have expressed dissatisfaction with the judges’ biased behavior. They report that Taliban judges treat applicants differently when issuing marriage certificates, marriage documentation, single status certificates, and inheritance documents. These citizens claim that judges appointed by the Taliban harass non-Pashtun applicants due to ethnic and regional differences. They urge the Taliban to abandon ethnic, regional, and linguistic biases and provide equal services to all applicants. Political analysts, however, believe such discriminatory practices will persist until the country’s judicial institutions are purged of unqualified and illiterate individuals. During their three years of rule, the Taliban have repeatedly been accused of ethnic, linguistic, and religious biases. Reports indicate that Tajik, Uzbek, and Hazara employees in government offices face the constant fear of dismissal and must tolerate the excuses of Taliban officials. Click here to read more (external link).