ICRC: During the summer and autumn of 2015 an estimated 3,000 families fled Abdul-khil and Mamand and settled around Ghani-khil, Achin and other areas close to Jalalabad. Wherever possible they moved in with relatives. Others camped out under the trees. At the time, the ICRC provided enough food, shelter and other emergency supplies to last them a month. They are still there. Click here to read more (external link).
Home is home- no matter what; the villagers are much more devoted to the land and home turf.
Can you believe it !
If it weren’t for the villagers in Afghanistan; today, the whole surrounding countries of Afghanitan would have been enslaved and subjugated.
The Russian and English operatives have had been actively plotting since early 1800’s.
Ironically, those goofy soils don’t even know the right source of inspiration, true struggles and sacrifice.