The future of education is full of opportunities, but they are not all equal. Some require a significant investment in both time and money to get the most out of them. Here are some ways that you can work on your education without breaking the bank in 2021!
Enroll in an Online University
If you’re the kind of person who thrives on structure and deadlines, then there is no better way to improve your education than by enrolling in a reputable online university. For example, Liberty University offers students all-inclusive tuition rates so that they don’t have to pay anything extra for classes or textbooks! Also, the University of Maryland offers an evening degree completion program that can be completed entirely through distance learning with occasional visits during the semester so you get out what you put in! The great thing about this option is that if you want to take one class at a time over several years until you finally finish your bachelor’s degree, it won’t cost any more money than just paying for what you need now. This is perfect for those people who know exactly what career path they want to pursue but would prefer learning without having monthly bills hanging over their heads.
Take MOOCs
MOOC stands for Massively Open Online Course. When you take a MOOC, it is typically offered through an online course management system such as Blackboard or Desire to Learn (DTL). You can find courses on just about any topic imaginable. There are even some classes that have no prerequisites and award college credit! If you want to fill up your schedule with interesting topics but don’t want to commit yourself full-time, this might be the route for you.
Work to Improve Your Skills
If you already have a college degree, there are plenty of ways that you can work toward improving your skills and earning certificates. No rule says everyone has to go back full-time for four years to improve their education. You may want to take an online course or two so as not to lose the knowledge already gained but now apply it with even more useful tools than before such as Microsoft Excel certification training courses. This way, if someone asks what kinds of classes you’ve been taking lately, they will be impressed by all you’re doing along with whatever job duties they require!
Take On a Mentorship
If you have the opportunity to work with someone who is more experienced in your career field, take it! Even if that means working for free. If they are willing to pay you some small allowance while teaching and mentoring you so much about their job duties, this can be one of the most beneficial aspects of going back to school after many years out of college or high school. You will gain invaluable experience while not having any extra expenses on top of whatever courses might already cost.
Plus, when people ask why you don’t seem quite as busy anymore because there aren’t as many hours booked into your schedule compared to before then tell them how valuable this time spent learning from an expert truly was!
The options are endless when it comes to ways that you can use your time more effectively. Your employer may be willing to offer additional benefits for continuing education, but only if the courses benefit them as well. There is something out there for everyone of all ages and backgrounds so don’t give up! Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, which means neither will your new career path or degree.